The work of Group Care Global (GCG) builds on two decades of model development and implementation done by the Centering Healthcare Institute (CH), a non-profit established in 2001 to promote the CenteringPregnancy® care model. In 2017 the Centering model’s developer, Sharon Schindler Rising, along with diverse group of global health experts established Group Care Global, a 501c3 non-profit focused on supporting group care around the world. Our work is based on the evidence-based CenteringPregnancy® (antenatal care) CenteringParenting® (mother-infant care) care models designed to protect and promote the health and well-being of pregnant people, parents, newborns and infants and fundamentally changing the way in which health care is delivered and experienced.
Group visits provide health care as well as time for facilitated discussion and community building. Participants are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their care and demonstrate growing empowerment with decision-making. Group care has high potential to improve the quality of care, make more efficient use of scarce/costly provider time, and improve outcomes in countries throughout the world.
Check out out website for more details and stories of group care: https://groupcare.global/